#3 Vastuuta syrjittyä ongelmien korjaamisesta / Think that the solution to discrimination is that the discriminated person fixes everything


1.Hey, maybe you could do our workingplaces equality plan. 2. Why? 3.  Because there’s no one else who knows how/ wants/ can do it. And you see nowadays there’s a law that says we have to have it.


1.Why there’s no one else? 2. I am in that believe, that there’s no one else, who is discriminated in here, than you. So you already know what is discrimination. You see you are important resource to us. 3. It’s so handy, that we have you. We benefit from it because we don’t have to use money to working hours that some one else would have to use on studying the discrimination subject before making the equality plan.


1. So could you make a plan that would get away the discriminating that is targeting to you in here? 2. Which we could then forget on the bottom of shelf where we put all the other things that are in our opinion ”new phenomenons”. 3. I can make the plan. Let’s at the same time change my working contract so that I get salary from 12 months as before, but my working time includes just the ”phenomenon week” that we organize in this working place every year.


Vastuu syrjittyjen ihmisten oikeuksien edistämisestä kaatuu syrjittyjen ihmisten harteille, mikä johtuu siitä, että tutkittu tieto ei kiinnosta riittävän monia ihmisiä, joilla on lakisääteinen velvollisuus edistää yhdenvertisuuttaa työajallaan. Tämä johtaa siihen, että ainoat henkilöt, joilla on sanoja joilla puollustaa syrjittyjä ihmisiä ovat syrjityt ja he tekevät tätä työtä ilman palkkaa vapaa-ajalla.

The responsibility of defending the rights of those who are discriminated is normally on the shoulders of those who are discriminated. The reason for this is that not enough people that according to law would have to prevent discrimination during working hours, are interested of discrimination studies and don´t do anything concrete and because of that only the people, who suffer from discrimination has words to defend those who are discriminated. This leads to situation where the discrimination prevention work that law demand is done by discriminated peoples and during free time without salary.


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